Objective Ways


What is it

This site is a textbook (or manual, or tutorial) dedicated to OOP (the object-oriented programming). You can find posts about different aspects of this paradigm and things related to it. Everything here is written with an eye to my working experience, they are going to be either my ideas or my interpretation of something already known.


The textbook is made to help people learn OOP and start thinking the object-oriented way. I believe that everyone should have resources to learn and grow, and the site is meant to be my commitment to this idea. If you have found here something useful for you, I will be glad.


Before you start, there are a few moments I should point out:

  • I am not a professional teacher, and the textbook is not an academic work. Here are my ideas, conclusions from my personal working experience, my own point of view on different things. I do not claim the content is officially proven or something else, and I do not guarantee any concrete results.
  • I talk about this particular paradigm because I prefer it. I do not criticise other things (which somebody can consider opposing), I only compliment this paradigm. If you are here for holy wars, this site is not about it.
  • The content is not complete, it is constantly updated and refined, so some parts of the material can be changed in case I realise something is wrong, unclear, or irrelevant.
  • I would be happy to get feedback about typos, mistakes, unclear wordings, etc. Nothing is perfect, so there are always things to be improved, and thanks to you, folk, who help me make the site better. However, I cannot promise that every suggestion or correction will be applied.
  • In case you want to use this materials somewhere, please, contact me.